sorry that i was offending you in my review befor that was not my motiv...
but my oppinion is that you should work on a couple of things...
here are a few points i think about when im rating a submission:
There a some flashs with a bit lazy design but a funny or good plot and cause of that they are still awesome...
or like some stickmovies that have realy special animations lots of effects like in some kind of action movie thats cool too...
some flashes otherwise are that good designed that i must give them a high score cause of it even when the story is not my flavor...
another thing often forgotten is the length of an animation there are good short movies with a good joke or some that just get u start thinking...
of cause there are submits out there that not dont got perfectly worked out some seems more then a sketch just an idea that quickly maded but sometimes its just a realy good idea with some inovation something realy new that let me give some points or maybe ir hit just my sense of humor...
Dont let bad review(s) hit u to hard and keep on working at it... Maybe think about some points i wrote above cause i think moste here will review and rate neary or just a bit like that... I know the start is always hard so keep working harder and u get a score 10 by me next time... but this time im SORRY!